Community project day

By Tatiana Montano

Something I looked forward to doing in Costa Rica was to contribute back to people and being able to do something for the communities. That is why on August 12th, we had the opportunity to go visit and contribute to “Parque La Libertad.” Parque La Libertad is a project of ministry youth and culture in Costa Rica managed through public & private partnerships. In the year 2008, what became a reality was a space for human development and human security to overall; give opportunity to people and enhance their quality of life. Meaning to not live in fear, and live without violence.

When we got there we were given a tour of the landscape and what each building held. We had the chance to learn about their high school & college courses they offer for students to pay for a low cost. They give and create free courses and overall enhance people's  knowledge towards Technology, Fine Arts, Design, and entrepreneurship. Afterwards, they only ask that the person be able to contribute to the center and help advocate for this organization. After getting to know more about all of these facilities they have around their center, we got to socialize with some of the kids and eat lunch together. Before eating lunch with us, they were learning here about the ecosystem and the natural animals that live in their gardens. They wanted to practice their English on us and it was amusing to tell them the difference between how Chicago looks and our experience here in Costa Rica. I met wonderful kids and it felt so warm hearting knowing that after we ate our lunch, we will be doing something for them and contributing to their beautiful organization. We got ready to get dirty because we then started to rebuild raised garden beds. The ones they had were about to break so in teams we all did our part. From measuring wood, to cutting, to painting, then to nailing them in place. Overall this was a great experience to fulfill during my time in Costa Rica.


Parque La Libertad


Embracing Nature